New Published Paper in ACS Biomacromolecules

Dr. David Salas de la Cruz (assistant professor, FASC-Chemistry) is a co-author of the article “A Hierarchical Model to Understand the Processing of Polysaccharides/Protein-Based Films in Ionic Liquids” that appeared in the American Chemistry Society Journal Biomacromolecules. Link:    

New NSF-DMR Grant

Dr. David Salas de la Cruz (assistant professor, FASC-chemistry) is the principal investigator on a three-year, $344,609 grant, from the National Science Foundation Division of Material Research in support of the Project titled “RUI: Collaborative Research: Understanding the protein-polysaccharide interactions of natural composite materials in one and two dimensions”. The project is collaboration co-PI Dr. … Continue reading New NSF-DMR Grant

New International Grant (Rutgers-Internal) to Detect and Remove Lead ions from Drinking Water using biomaterials.

Dr. David Salas de la Cruz (assistant professor, CCBI-Chemistry) have been awarded a matching grant of $5,000 from the Cuba Collaboration Matching Grant Program in support of the Project titled: “Electrochemical Detection and Removal of Heavy Materials Using a Graphite-Based Electrode and Polysaccharides Based Composites”. Dr. Salas will work with chemistry faculty members from University … Continue reading New International Grant (Rutgers-Internal) to Detect and Remove Lead ions from Drinking Water using biomaterials.